
Part 3: Older Children

If you are just joining me for How God Brought Us to Luke, and thinking: Part ???? Please go to this page and start at the top. Trust me...it will all make more sense when you start there!

Like I mentioned in Part 2, after returning home with Lily, I was still (and still am) receiving email advocating for children left behind. I also receive email on other China-related issues that have to do with various other aspects of adoption...orphanage-specific info, charity and mission related emails, prayer requests, info from our agency, other families sharing their news.

Well, shortly after we returned home I received email about a 10 year old girl from Lily’s orphanage who was the only one of a group of friends who had not been adopted. She had watched all of her pals receive the news of their pending adoptions and even seen some of them leave for their forever families, but she was left behind. And she desperately wanted a family.

My heart broke for her.

I imagined being in her position…and being the one left behind. Celebrating with your friends that they had a family! Participating in the joy while everyday wondering…will someone choose me?

Knowing that with every day that goes by…each day older she became...her chances were steadily decreasing.

Most people desire to adopt babies. We had when we started our adoption paperwork back at the end of 2006. Maybe because there is perception that there is less “stuff” to deal with? Perhaps this is true…but [another "rumbling" here]... is that a good enough reason for them to never know the love a family…because they come with scars, wounds, baggage?

God took me with all my baggage. And loved me into His family.

Could following in His steps possibly include loving another who came with "stuff?"

As I read and prayed over this 10year old girl from Lily's orphanage and shared her story with others...the Lord was molding my heart.

Preparing me for Luke, our "older" child...who will be 6 years old on June 18th!

In Him,

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