
Orphan Care: Prayer

Orphan Care...Let's see, where have we been so far? Videos, stats, the need, the resource (you and me). Now...the ways in which the resource can be used. Today...prayer.

I start here, because the Bible says this is where we should always start and where we should always be... Phil 4:6-7 "...in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray without ceasing."

Too often, with a sigh and downcast look believers will say, "The only thing I can do is pray." Like they're in the arctic with only a bikini to keep warm.

Where is the biblical Truth in that?

I challenge you that the truth is that prayer is BEST thing I can do. It reaches across oceans, touches the future, cuts through bureaucracies, ignores physical limitations, passes through galaxies, and instantaneously is heard by the heart of the Father Who would never give His child a stone when they ask for bread.

Most believers in Christ are familiar with the promises of answered prayer in the form of mountains being moved into the heart of the sea. Many of us can quote "if you ask anything according to His will, you know you have what you've asked for."

But how many of us live in the place of praying persistently, knee-jerkedly, expectantly, excitedly, confidently...obediently (which Jesus says in Jn 14:15 is read by Him as 'lovingly')?

If we did...the topic of this post would be the most exciting thing to read. For it would assure us that the most influential aspect of orphan care is not relegated to our perception of our pocketbooks but is available to each of us every second of every day He gives us.

Prayer does not fit us for the greater work, prayer is the greater work. --Oswald Chambers

In my still growing and learning experience in orphan ministry, I personally have found that having a little face to pray over and for has made my prayers directed, specific, and passionate. When I first became began praying for orphans, I was overwhelmed by the sheer vastness of it all. I asked the Lord to show me how to pray for orphans, to direct my prayers into His will. His answer was to pray for the children I knew of...the little ones we sponsored monthly, the families and their waiting children in orphanages, the waiting children whose faces pierced my heart in a "pray for this one like he or she is yours" way.

What a joy it has been! We have seen everyone of our sponsored children either go home to be with the Lord or to their Forever Families. I have rejoiced as the families I've prayed over have been joined to their little ones...and when the waiting ones, who seemed in danger of never having a family, were found by theirs. I pray not only for them to have families, but first and foremost that they would receive Jesus as their Savior. I pray that they would be placed in families who know and love Him and will teach them about Him. And, He has been gracious on many occasions to show me that this has happened.

I put to you that prayer is the place to start and to stay in orphan ministry (all of life, truly). Only there will true, eternal change be effected...and I'm not just talking in the life of the orphan. Everything else is just a by-product.

There is nothing that makes us love a man so much as praying for him. --William Law

***Here is a link to a Waiting Child Advocacy blog...and another...to get you going!***

In Him,

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