
Haiti Day 3 Update

I was able to FaceTime with Kevin last night and message with him this afternoon.

Here is the update I sent to our church's prayer chain:

Requests:  Please pray for the weather.  It is raining this afternoon and it has made many roads impassable (pretty  much all dirt roads with some rocks), so it sounds like they may not be able to go to the orphanage to help with the feeding program as planned unless the weather changes.  Please pray that if it is the Lord's will that the weather would cooperate and they would be able to minister there.

Also pray for the Lord to multiply the crafts & food they are distributing to the VBS children.  They were told to expect 30-50 kids for VBS so they planned for 100.  Today 180 children came!  Praise God!  However, they ran out of food and it was very hard on the team to see the desperation in the children's faces and to hear them tell them they were hungry.  They even went back to the base and got more snacks, but still did not have enough.  Kevin said it really brought home Jesus' heart when he looked at the crowd and had compassion on them. Mark 8:1-3 During those days another large crowd gathered. Since they had nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples to him and said, I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance.”

Pray for rest and physical strength as the ministry requires a lot of walking.

General Update: The team has been quite busy with visiting 2 churches yesterday (one in which Pastor John was called on to teach with no prep!  He taught from Philippians).  They fed 100-200 in the tent city yesterday as well as visiting a hospital in which many were dying.  They had the privilege of praying with many there.  The conditions were terrible: flies, few doctors, no medical machines, many people in each room.  Today VBS began and will continue through the week.  They will be making some adjustments for VBS tomorrow based on their experiences today.

In Him,

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